Search the Clewell Pottery Database Recently Added: Numerical List of Shapes (325 entries): « 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 » Image Shape Number 60-26 61-2-6 85 86 108 111 119 123 124 172-2 183 209 218-2-6 254 257-2 257-2-9 257-2-9(2) 259-2-6 260-26 260-6 272-2-6 272-5 272-2-6(2) 288 288-2-9 288-218 288-5 288(2) 288(3) 288(4) 290 290-2-6 290-215 290-25 290-26 290-2-6(2) 292-2-6 292-6 293-2-6 293-2-6(2) « 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 »